Hotel Workout Series: Ab Exercise

There’s never an excuse to skip a workout!  This ab exercise is part of the Hotel Workout Series which will soon be available as part of Amy Mac’s Fit System.  In and outs are great for toning all the muscles of stomach and they can be done on any surface!

<< Watch Amy Mac’s In & Out Ab Exercise video now! >>

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Hotel Workout Series: Upper Body Exercise

There’s never an excuse to skip a workout!  This upper body exercise is part of the Hotel Workout Series which will soon be available as part of .  Upright rows are great for your arms, shoulders, back and stomach but be sure not to lift your elbows above your shoulders. This will keep you safe from shoulder injury.

<< Watch Upright Row Exercise Video Now! >>

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Stability Ball Balance

Upper body strength is important for your posture and to look great in that sundress!  This upper body exercise gets bonus points because it works your butt, as well – you have to squeeze those glutes to keep from falling off the stability ball!

The only equipment you need is a stability ball so get ready because no matter what your fitness level is, you’ll find this move challenging!  Start with the stability ball rollout and keep working until you can do stability ball pushups!


  • Arms
  • Shoulders
  • Chest/Back
  • Abs

<< Stability Ball Exercise Move: Targets Full Body and Core ! Video >>

Full show notes and Fit Links at

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Resistance Band Squat Walk

<< Watch Fitness Video Now! Resistance Band Workout: Squat Walk >>

It’s a funny looking move, but its great for your lower body!  Just another move to do with a resistance band!


<< Find more fitness videos, healthy recipes and exercise tips at! >>

Product Review: Brookstone Heart Rate Monitor Ring

<< Brookstone Heart Rate Monitor Ring Review >>

Fit Life Product Review of the Brookstone Heart Rate Monitor Ring.  I wanted to compare my usual chest strap and watch setup vs this new ring technology.  For only $40, if it works, its a bargain!

Brookstone Heart Rate Monitor Ring

<< Find more episodes, fitness tips, recipes and gadget reviews at! >>

Hip Flexor Stretch

<< Click Here to Play: Hip Flexor Stetch >>

Those that sit and those that workout (think that covers everybody) need to to make sure to stretch those hip flexors!  Keeping flexibility in the hips will help your posture, alignment, mobility and injury prevention.

Hip Flexors (Iliopsoas)

<< See Full Hip Flexor Stretch Post and Links >>

Fit Life Video: How to do a Kettlebell Turkish Get Up!

We continue to learn about Kettlebells and today Matt and David walk us through how to do the Turkish Get Up!

Make sure to take your time and learn the proper technique for this and any exercise before adding weight!  Kettlebells is a full body workout and you can see more results in less time by combining cardio with your weight training.  You also want to make sure you remember to breathe as you workout!

<< You can find the complete blog post as well as other health and fitness tips at! >>

Fit Life Video: How To Do The Kettlebell Swing

An introduction to Russian Kettlebells. I have 2 RKC certified experts, Matt McBryde and David Whitley, who give us the benefits of kettlebells and then show me how to do the Kettlebell Swing.

Kettlebells is a full body workout. You can maximize your workout time by doing the weights and the cardio at the same time.

<< See the complete Blog Post including online kettlebell resources! >>

Fit Life Video: Slim Down Those Thighs!

A Walking Squat is a great way to build strength in those thighs.  Sculpting the muscles will create a lean look with great lines.


Butt and Thighs

<< See the complete Blog Post! >>