WAM This Week: Steps Toward That Beach Body!

amymacThis week on WithAmyMac.com, I highlighted food and eating in the the ‘news’ section.   Summer has arrived and that means skimpy dresses, short shorts and swimsuits are upon us!  You know that I feel strongly about ‘dieting’ but instead feel that small lifestyle changes are what is needed to become healthy, fit and swimsuit-worthy!  The focus this week is to help you put some of those small changes into your life by enjoying foods you can eat, taking advantage of summer fruits and how to ‘eat smart’ at social events like weddings, bbqs and holiday gatherings.

Posted 6/8/2009:  Healthy Diet How-to
If you are defiant, like me, when you make a food ‘off-limits’, it instantly becomes the only food you want to eat!  I don’t normally eat cake but tell me I can’t have it and I’ll becrashing wedding showers for a piece of cake!  This post is about changing that mindset.   << Switch Your Food Focus to “What CAN I Eat?” >>

Posted 6/11/2009:  Easy Healthy Food!
Eating healthy has such terrible connotations.  Most people assume that their dish will be lacking flavor, that the recipe will be difficult or that they will never feel full.  I’m not a chef, or even a decent cook, but I can promise you that I don’t waste calories on food that doesn’t taste great!  This easy fruit salad is great for a side dish, snack or pitch-in dish and you can even use it to combine all your leftover fruit at the end of the week so no berry goes to waste!    <<  4 Minute Fruit Salad Recipe  >>

Posted 6/12/2009:  How-to Eat Healthy!
Social events have always been a ‘diet killer’.  I insist that they don’t have to be, it just takes a little more planning, thinking and awareness so that you aren’t sabotaged.  No one will ever notice when you use a salad plate as your only plate and then continually fill it from the veggie tray.     <<  Beat Mindless Eating at Social Events! >>

For additional health | fitness | exercise | nutrition | recipes and information, as well as Fit Life show episodes, go to www.WithAmyMac.com or subscribe to the WAM feed.

Fit Life Video: Slim Down Those Thighs!

A Walking Squat is a great way to build strength in those thighs.  Sculpting the muscles will create a lean look with great lines.


Butt and Thighs

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