Lower Body Workout: Stability Ball Wall Squat

<< Watch Now! Stability Ball Wall Squat Video >>

Sculpt your lower body with this stability ball wall squat!  This is even great for those with sensitive knees because your weight is shifted back, eliminating the pressure, which can cause pain. Make sure to keep your shoulders back, never squat lower than 90 degrees and breathe!



Hip Flexor Stretch

<< Click Here to Play: Hip Flexor Stetch >>

Those that sit and those that workout (think that covers everybody) need to to make sure to stretch those hip flexors!  Keeping flexibility in the hips will help your posture, alignment, mobility and injury prevention.

Hip Flexors (Iliopsoas)

<< See Full Hip Flexor Stretch Post and Links >>

Full Body Weighted Squat

This squat will not only help to sculpt your butt and thighs but you’ll also challenge your core, balance and work those arms!



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Fit Life Video: How to do a Kettlebell Turkish Get Up!

We continue to learn about Kettlebells and today Matt and David walk us through how to do the Turkish Get Up!

Make sure to take your time and learn the proper technique for this and any exercise before adding weight!  Kettlebells is a full body workout and you can see more results in less time by combining cardio with your weight training.  You also want to make sure you remember to breathe as you workout!

<< You can find the complete blog post as well as other health and fitness tips at WithAmyMac.com! >>

Fit Life Video: Slim Down Those Thighs!

A Walking Squat is a great way to build strength in those thighs.  Sculpting the muscles will create a lean look with great lines.


Butt and Thighs

<< See the complete WithAmyMac.com Blog Post! >>